Tired of Struggling to Grow Your Ministry and Earn Money at the Same Time?

Learn How Christian Leader Marshawn Evans Uses Her Passion for Serving Others to Build a Multimillion Dollar Enterprise!


God has graced you with a voice! It’s time you use it to be blessing to both those you are called to serve AND yourself! If you’ve been wondering how to expand your ministry through speaking AND make money along the way then you DON’T want to miss this interview!

Here’s your chance to get behind- the-scenes access to an exclusive interview between  Ministry Marketing Mentor™ Janice Johnson and well-respected, and highly-compensated Christian leader and inspirational speaker, Reinvention Strategist Marshawn Evans.



During this exclusive interview you will:

  • Discover what your enemy is truly after (it’s not what you think!)
  • The secret behind EVERY success story (it’s not BIG breaks or large budgets!)
  • Why speaking is the #1 attraction tool on the planet!
  • Why, even in a recession, NOW is the time for Christian leaders to launch a “speaking” platform
  • The difference between preaching and the business of speaking (and how you CAN do both without compromise)
  • 4 Critical steps to growing your ministry through speaking
  • and much more!