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    Do This FIRST!

    How to Make the Most of Your MBD Membership

    Make time to listen to this important audio that will help you maximize your time in this program.



    The following are helpful recommendations to help you get started, so you can get the most out
    of this program in the least amount of time.

    1. Make time for this course

    Commit yourself to this program. Make the time in your schedule, each day and each week, to
    listen on the modules and to take notes, including checklists of action steps to take. It’s always
    best to stay on track and listen to the calls. If you for some reason miss a call be sure to make
    time immediately to listen so you can stay on track. Accountability and consistency is key. Make
    this a priority.

    2. For best results, do the exercises as we go along.

    Each module of this program, you will be given worksheets to help you focus on your
    assignments and stay on track. Please complete your worksheets each month and stay on
    schedule with us. This is VERY important, because if you’re anything like me, you have
    intentions of making the time to do these things later on your own, but it never really happens,
    does it? So please schedule time after each live call, and complete your assignments before you
    move on to something else.

    3. Avoid skipping steps

    Although you might be tempted to skip a section or a few steps, especially if you think you
    already “know” the answer, I recommend that you go through the whole program. Each step
    builds on the previous one and is there for you to use so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel to
    get moving and to see results. The course is absolutely sequential and each part of it is there for a
    reason. (This is why you will only have access to a particular month’s worksheets the day of the
    actual call.)

    4. Remember, take this whole process slowly

    “What grows fast, dies young.” Expansion is a process that occurs best by slowing implementing
    each step as best you can. It can become a little overwhelming if you try to tackle it all at once.
    Thing like an ant, take small steps to make a huge impact.

    5. Participate and engage in the Facebook Group and LIVE Expansion-in-Action calls.

    There’s nothing like a high-achieving group of peers to keep you moving, to give you
    accountability and to brainstorm with you to get results. You’ll find that the collaboration and
    camaraderie of on these forums will be an essential part of your growth process during this 12
    month period. Use the collective wisdom of the group!

    6. Just DO it!

    Have you ever read a book that you thought was so good, full of amazing ideas? If you’re like
    me you probably underlined it, highlighted sections and dog-eared a few pages. Where’s the
    book now? I’ll guess that at least once in your life, you put that book back on the shelf and never
    applied the great ideas you read, and because of this, you’re still in the same place you were
    before having read the book. I don’t want you to do that with this Partnership program, so my
    advice to you is to DO the assignments and take ACTION! Your ministry is too important not to
    do this—there are lives waiting on what God placed inside of you.
