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Welcome to the Ministry By Design Private Partnership Program!

Ministry By Design Private Partnership Program’s

10 Expansion-in-Action Steps

1) Identify who you are called to serve

As Christian leaders it is easy to get caught in the trap of thinking our message is for
EVERYBODY instead of honing in on those God has called us to serve in this season. We will
look at ways to be sure you are reaching those you are called to serve by identify those who best
resonate with your message, your mission, and what your organization has to offer.

2) Uncover Your Unique Brand

We will examine exactly what makes your ministry unique and attractive to those you are called
to serve. We will spend some time figuring out what really “sets you apart” and how to use your
difference to draw others in. We will uncover your “story”, the value it has to those you desire to
reach and ways to use it to create an instant connection with your audience.

3) Become a Local Legend

Using what we’ve learned in Module 1, we will cover the best ways to position your ministry so
that you reach those you are called to serve in large numbers and inexpensively. We will discuss
several strategies and best ways to implement them so that you are making a BIG impact by
focusing on a few small tasks.

4) Partner with Influencers Who Share Your Mission

In this module, you discover why one man can’t expand and how you can create strategic
alliances that will allow you to serve, support and grow your ministry. You will learn how to
position yourself and your organization as a credible, strategic partner, identify who to partner
with and effective ways how to approach them and learn what NOT to do to turn people away.

5) Live by the Launch

We take a look at your programs, sermons/services, events and happenings (the stuff you do
with/for those your serve) and turn the typical invitation process into a solid system in which and
your team can naturally and automatically seek, share, and serve those you are called to reach
with your ministry.

6) Focus on Compelling Encounters

This module will have you see that it doesn’t work to ATTACK the masses with your message.
Instead, it’s about ATTRACTING those are called to serve with specific materials and

techniques that really speak TO them not at them. I’ll be sharing with you the formulas I use
to write, develop audio/video scripts, and create all my own compelling (yet uncompromising)
marketing materials ( I use this same process for my ELITE clients) so that it creates an instant
connection with those I am called to serve that way you will know EXACTLY what to do for
your ministry.

7) Go global, think Local. – Use Your Website as an Expansion Tool

I will share with you EXACTLY what every expansion-focused website must-have and why. We
will explore the brand damaging and most often used website blunders and how to avoid them.
I will walk you through ways to easily set-up your website up so that it is not another online
brochure, but an arm of your ministry that is serving, supporting, and inviting your visitors to
take the next step with your ministry.

8) Click to Connect – Leverage Social Media to Expand Your Reach

Using social media is free (for now) but it can cost a whole lot if you don’t appropriate enough
time, a clear strategy, understand the rules of engagement. We will examine the best social
networking platforms for you to “fish where the fish are”, discuss the do’s and don’ts of social
media engagement, and put together an extremely specific plan to reach those you are called to
serve on these platforms.

9) Be the press – Don’t Chase the Media

It’s modest, maybe even admirable for you to hope and pray that others will notice the great
work you are doing in and through your ministry efforts and share it with those they know.
However it is a wise leader who seizes the opportunity to become his own press. In this module,
I will share insider press coverage secrets that will help you to gain media coverage that will
have key influencers sharing your story with the masses.

10) Create a ROCK-Solid Expansion Plan

There will never come a time that you will stop expanding your reach. But it won’t always be as
difficult as it is the first time. We will implement proven systems to make sure expansion
overwhelming or full of unnecessary effort. The systems we put in place will almost run by
themselves and soon, your ministry will be a seeking, serving, sharing machine.